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Register for a Solidarity Ride

Throughout our trip across the US we will have one-day rides called Solidarity Rides. A Solidarity Ride is an opportunity for the community to get involved with our cross-country journey without having to commit to two months of riding across the country. You are able to ride side by side with national riders who will be sharing their experiences with you and you, too, can be part of raising awareness of personal and globat health! Most of these take place in and around a city with the same starting and ending point. However, others will also be from one city to another.

We are still in the process of planning the 2012 Ride however the Solidarity Rides we have planned so far are listed below. Registration for all these events are now open! We hope that you will be able to join us on our journey!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012 - San Diego, CA to Los Angeles, CA - Register here! 
Saturday, May 5, 2012 - Denver, CO - Register here!
Saturday, May 26, 2012 - Columbus, OH - Register here!