Donating to R4WH

Ride for World Health (R4WH) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit charitable organization. Your contributions support the mission of R4WH and the life-saving work of Partners in Health.

To donate by check:

Donations can be made by check payable to "Ride for World Health" and mailed to:

Ride for World Health
PO Box 8234
Columbus, OH 43201

Please note on your check if you are making your donation in support of an individual rider.

To donate online:

You can use a credit card or your PayPal account to make an online donation by clicking the button below (note: you do *not* need a PayPal account to make a credit card donation using the PayPal donation system):

Click here to donate to R4WH using PayPal

Please e-mail us at [email protected] to tell us if your online donation was made in support of an individual rider.

For information about sponsorship opportunities, please visit

For any other questions, contact Thomas Litzinger, R4WH Fundraising and Sponsorship Chair, at [email protected] or by using this form.