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Alamo, NV to Panaca, NV

Friday, April 20, 2012

Starting Point: Alamo, NV
Ending Point: Panaca, NV

Route Distance: 71 miles
Route Description: Today we ride eastward across Nevada. Most of the day will be spent riding along US Route 93, also known as the Great Basin Highway. It is a relatively short ride though we do have one big climb starting halfway through the ride. Then we have a gentle climb into Panaca, which was southern Nevada's first permanent settlement and was founded as a Mormon colony in 1864.

Click on the link below the map for a detailed route. Note: starting and ending points on the day of the ride may not be what is shown on the map.

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Elevation profile (Taken from Google Earth)
The big climb in the middle of the ride (starting ~mile 34) lasts about 10 miles with an elevation gain of about 1400 ft with grades the first four miles being 1-2% but being between 3.5 - 4.5% for the remainder of the climb. The gentle climb into Panaca has a grade <1%.

Overnight location: Coming soon!