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Kelso, CA to Shoshone, CA

Monday, April 16, 2012

Starting Point: Kelso, CA
Ending Point: Shoshone, CA

Route Distance: 91 miles
Route Description: We will leave the Mojave National Preserve and make our way north through mostly desert. We will be riding along Death Valley National Park.

Click on the link below the map for a detailed route. Note: exact starting and ending points on the day of the ride may differ from what is shown on the map.

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Elevation profile (Taken from Google Earth)
The first climb will be about 11 miles long with a 1500 ft elevation gain and grades between 1 - 4.5%. The second climb will be about 8 miles long with a 1600 ft elevation gain and grades between 3 - 5.5%.

Overnight Location: Shoshone Campground